Transfer to Blue River

Transfer to Blue River, book with us for amazing service, don’t worry about your private transportations.

Blue River is the first dinosaur theme park in Costa Rica, it has a total of 27 dinosaurs, all of them will surprise you.

It is the first totally ecological dinosaur park in Latin America, an ideal tour for the family, very interactive for the little ones.


Each dinosaur has a tag, which explains its period of activity, whether it was a carnivore or a herbivore.

In which region it lived, and some of its main characteristics!

This park is only 1.5 hours from Liberia and 4.5 hours from SJ, which is located in a bit unknown area in the country.

Transfer to Blue River, book online

They include many activities like farm areas with donkeys, a botanical garden with butterflies, hummingbirds…

 and a natural spa with a mud bath, also they have 3 hot springs and 2 of freshwater

Prices –  Transfer to Blue River

Shuttle From Liberia (LIR) Airport

  • $190 (covers round-trip)

Shuttle From San Jose (SJ) Airport

  • $340 (covers round-trip)

Important note, prices apply to no more than 4 passengers, 

more than 4 passengers onwards you pay an additional $10 per person

Taking a getaway to enjoy something so different is always a good option


Book with locals

Do not miss this experience!

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